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Category: Customer Experience

929 blogs

NEVA Discover: Optimize Your Processes Based on Actionable Insights

There are thousands of inefficiencies across your business, ranging from process bottlenecks, execution gaps and error-prone manual tasks to systems latency and overreliance on the knowledge base. Yet identifying each of them and knowing which to focus on first in process automation and optimization efforts isn’t easy without access to the right data and insights.

How to Relieve the Pain of Your Quality Program: A NICE Podcast

Shawn Smith, a system analyst at nonprofit health care company Cambia Health Solutions, works mainly with customer service teams. When he stepped into his role more than two years ago, Cambia’s quality evaluations were completed via a recording application and then documented in Word, Excel and OneNote. The organization’s quality program became an immediate focus for Smith, he said.

The Benefits of AI in Customer Service

Artificial intelligence (AI) has transformed organizations across industries, and perhaps nowhere are we seeing its transformative powers so clearly as in customer relationship management. AI is increasingly enabling organizations to improve customer service, improve customer loyalty and free customer service agents to focus on higher-value tasks. In doing so, AI unlocks a wide range of benefits, from reduced costs and improved employee retention to higher revenue and increased customer satisfaction.
Winter is Coming… and so is PCI-DSS 4.0

Winter is Coming… and so is PCI-DSS 4.0

In the world of contact centers and card payments, a day of reckoning is near. The Payment Card Data Security Standard has existed in some iteration since 2004. But PCI-DSS 4.0 is coming in early 2022 – which is months after it was initially expected, since given these complex times, this version requires still more rounds of feedback. What does that mean for your contact center? It means stock up, fortify, and brace yourself – 4.0 is going to be big.